
Fasnap: Fastening Success with Tailored AI Outreach

Fasnap: Fastening Success with Tailored AI Outreach

Eugene Kadzin



min read

Feb 16, 2024

Since its inception in 1981, Fasnap® has been a beacon of innovation and quality in the industrial textile fastener industry. Celebrating over four decades of excellence, Fasnap has distinguished itself through its commitment to quality standards and value-added services. With a vast and diverse product range, Fasnap has catered to multiple industries, reinforcing its position as a leader in fastening solutions.

Unlocking the Potential of a Massive Database

Fasnap approached us with a unique advantage: a vast database of potential clients accumulated over years of exemplary service. The challenge was not in gathering prospects but in effectively engaging this extensive network with personalized outreach that resonates on an individual level.

AI-Personalized Solution

Utilizing AI, we crafted a lead generation strategy that transformed Fasnap's existing database into a goldmine of opportunity. Our approach involved:

  • Data Analysis: Deep-diving into Fasnap's extensive database to segment and understand the potential leads better.

  • Custom Messaging: Employing AI to create unique, personalized messages for each prospect, ensuring relevance and piquing interest.

  • Strategic Outreach: Executing a meticulously planned cold email campaign, sending out 40k emails monthly, tailored to showcase Fasnap’s innovative products and exceptional quality standards.

Tangible Results

The AI-driven personalized outreach campaign yielded remarkable results for Fasnap:

  • Consistent Lead Generation: 30-50 qualified leads were secured monthly, each demonstrating a keen interest in Fasnap’s offerings.

  • High Engagement: The personalized nature of the outreach ensured that Fasnap stood out in the recipients' inboxes, fostering meaningful initial engagements.

  • Ongoing Success: Our collaboration with Fasnap continues to thrive, bringing in a steady stream of leads and reinforcing Fasnap's position in the market.


Fasnap's success story with AI personalization is a testament to the power of leveraging existing resources through innovative technology. By transforming a vast database into a wellspring of qualified leads, Fasnap not only continues to lead in the fastener industry but also sets new standards in personalized marketing. Our partnership exemplifies how AI can be a catalyst for growth, ensuring that companies like Fasnap remain at the forefront of their industries for years to come.

Ready to implement AI into your e-comm brand? Schedule a free 30-min discovery call with us.

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What platforms do Quimple's AI services work with?

How are Quimple's services priced?

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How long does it take to implement Quimple's AI services?

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How are Quimple's services priced?

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How long does it take to implement Quimple's AI services?

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