
The Real Deal on Making Your First $10K with AI

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How to make first $10k online

AI can make you a ton of money, right? That’s what everyone says. But let’s cut through the hype. Making your first $10,000 with AI isn’t as straightforward as those flashy ads suggest.

AI is just a tool. It's not a magic money-making machine. Sure, it can do amazing things, but hitting that 10K milestone? That takes more than just plugging in some AI software. For me, the real target was always smaller at first—like $1,000 just to cover the basics. But 10K? Now, that’s a different ballgame.

When I started, I had saved up some cash, about $7,000 from my days in hockey. Invested it all into Amazon FBA. Thought I’d strike gold. Instead, I struck out. Spent loads on graphics, ads, products—all went down the drain in six months. Lesson learned: AI isn’t going to save you from a bad business plan.

Getting to that first $1,000 wasn’t glamorous. I did everything from SEO to project management. Hustled hard, pulled in small gigs. It’s the grind, the freelance hustle. Nothing comes easy.

Reaching 10K, though, that's a tougher nut to crack. Honestly, it's harder to go from $1,000 to $10,000 than from $10,000 to $100,000. For real. Timing and time—that’s what it boils down to. You need the right market at the right moment. When I made a half-million dollars quickly, it wasn’t just because I was smart (though I am). It was because the market was ripe for what I offered.

Launching products on Amazon and getting reviews for clients—that was the sweet spot. Reviews are king on Amazon. We had a system, got reviews like clockwork. But remember, timing was everything. Amazon’s algorithm was in our favor. Sellers were desperate for reviews, and we delivered.

But here’s the kicker: AI wasn’t the star of the show. It was just part of the toolkit. Automation helped, sure, but it wasn’t the be-all, end-all. Real success came from knowing the market and jumping in at the right time.

So, if you're aiming for that 10K with AI, focus on timing. Find that market gap, the service everyone needs but no one has nailed yet. Use AI to boost efficiency, handle repetitive tasks, and streamline operations. But don’t rely on it to make you rich overnight.

At the end of the day, success isn’t just about having the best tech. It’s about using it smartly, understanding your market, and hitting it when the time is right. Keep hustling, keep learning, and who knows? Maybe that 10K isn’t as far off as it seems.

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