
How to build AI Caller for Shopify e-commerce store | Step-by-step

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Let's dive into building a simple voice assistant for your Shopify store. Whether you’re an agency offering this to clients or using it for your own store, this guide will walk you through the process.

Step-by-Step Guide:


- We're setting up an AI caller to verify order details with customers. Perfect for reducing errors, especially with personalized items.


- Tools Needed:

- Shopify account

- Make (formerly Integromat)

- Vapi (Voice AI platform)

Process Flow:

- Customer places an order on Shopify.

- Trigger an event in Make when the order is created.

- Use Vapi to call the customer and verify order details.

Creating the Workflow:

1. Trigger Event in Shopify:

- Go to Make and create a new scenario.

- Name it something like "Shopify Demo".

- Set the trigger to activate when a new order is created.

2. Set Variables in Make:

- Capture customer details (name, phone number).

- Use the "Set Variable" tool in Make for clarity.

3. Integrate with Vapi:

- Go to Vapi and get your API key.

- Set up a new assistant in Vapi with a custom script.

- Use Make to send an HTTP request to Vapi’s API to initiate the call.

Example Use Case:

- Let's say you sell personalized pajamas on Shopify.

- When an order is placed, the AI caller will verify customization details with the customer to ensure accuracy.

Testing the Workflow:

- Create a test order in Shopify.

- Trigger the scenario in Make to capture the test order’s details.

- Ensure the AI caller initiates a call and verifies the details correctly.

Advanced Tips:

- You can expand this setup to handle abandoned cart reminders, post-purchase follow-ups, or even gather customer feedback.

Final Thoughts:

Using AI to automate customer interactions can save time and reduce errors. This setup is straightforward and scalable, whether you’re running a small store or managing multiple clients.


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